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Edited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Milan. Since 2018 Director of the Complex Operational Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis of the ASST (Local healthcare area) Fatebenefratelli Sacco of Milan. Author of over 200 scientific publications, indexed in the PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. He is a member of various Scientific Societies, also has coordination positions and is the Editor for Italian and foreign journals of Nephrology.   Before talking about dialysis, you need to know that this therapy requires a venous vascular access to be created in order to carry out...

Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro Another interesting article on a central theme for those undergoing haemodialysis: proper vascular access maintenance. Below, Dr. Pegoraro helps us to understand the procedures to followed, both from the point of view of the patient and the health care professional and offers some useful advice on how to prevent infections. For a patient undergoing haemodialysis treatment, the vascular access is THE essential component that allows him to enjoy a certain level of well-being and have a good quality of life. Whether it is an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or a catheter, it should be thought of as a "lovable...

Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro, a nurse specializing in haemodialysis at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital, a member of the EDTNA / ERCA scientific association, former President of the SIAN scientific association. It should never happen, but unfortunately arteriovenous fistulas sometimes become infected or aneurysms form. Dr. Pegoraro explains very clearly what to do in these cases and, in general, how to keep this important access in good condition. A fistula is a communication between an artery and a vein, usually on the forearm, sometimes on the arm. The connected vein becomes larger, more palpable and stronger. It changes very quickly in the first...