The main guidelines for the management of fistula-related infections
Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro, a nurse specializing in haemodialysis at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hosp...
Read moreDIAFIX is a fistula compression device used to promote haemostasis at the end of the dialysis session. It is available in two different versions: with or without an adsorbent pad. DIAFIX is specific for haemostasis after the removal of fistula needles and allows the patient’s bleeding time to be reduced and therefore the assistance time spent by health professionals.
Using DIAFIX allows you to reduce the onset of complications at the vascular access caused by bleeding that often occurs not only externally, but also subcutaneously, leading to the formation of blood clots, which by compressing the surrounding vascular tree could favour the development of intravascular thrombi. The absence of knurling on the surface of the strap in contact with the skin and the presence of ventilation holes means that this fistula compression device also ensures maximum comfort for the patient.
L’utilizzo di DIAFIX permette di ridurre l’insorgenza di complicanze a livello degli accessi vascolari, provocate dal sanguinamento che spesso si verifica non solo all‘esterno, ma anche nel sottocutaneo, portando alla formazione di raccolte ematiche che, comprimendo l’albero vascolare circostante, possono favorire l’insorgenza di trombi intravascolari. Inoltre questo dispositivo premifistola assicura al paziente il massimo comfort, grazie all’assenza di zigrinature sulla superficie del cinturino a contatto con la cute ed alla presenza di fori di aerazione.
Color | H (cm) | W (cm) | |||||
S0040B | CE0373 | White | 38 | 2 | ø 2,6 | 1 | 200 |
B0088 | CE | White | 38 | 2 | NO | Bulk | 500 |
Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro, a nurse specializing in haemodialysis at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hosp...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro Another interesting article on a central theme for those undergoing ha...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Mila...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Mila...
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