betafix alg Tag

Emodial’s experience, working together with the main dialysis centres in Italy and abroad, has shown an increasingly large number of patients with difficulties in haemostasis or with specific coagulation related disorders. This condition, combined with nephrological diseases, stimulated the search for medications capable of containing the effects of the two pathologies which, when acting simultaneously in a patient, often result in a particularly complicated clinical picture. READ MORE...

The onset of MARSI and managing the patient's relationship with water can be problematic for those on dialysis treatment or undergoing therapies that involve vascular accesses. Emodial has developed two effective products that help to improve the life of dialysis patients: with SOFT-TOUCH technology we have created devices that use a delicate hypoallergenic silicone adhesive to eliminate the effects of repeated removal of adhesive, which in the long run causes mechanical damage, both in patients with normal skin and in patients with delicate skin or skin that is prone to sensitization. EXIT-POCKET WP is our solution for managing the interaction between catheter...

It is not uncommon for patients undergoing fistula dialysis to have haemostasis related issues. The incidence of these problems prompted us to find a calcium alginate-based solution to speed up post dialysis haemostasis. BETAFIX is an elastic compression bandage with a multilayer calcium alginate pad that has been specially designed to overcome haemostasis problems in patients who bleed profusely or who have coagulation difficulties. Discover all the features of BETAFIX READ MORE...

A very large number of patients undergo anticoagulant therapy following dialysis. Because of these high numbers, Emodial decided to find a solution that could speed up post dialysis haemostasis. The use of calcium alginate in our dressings has led to improvements and faster post-dialysis haemostasis, providing significant benefits for patients, but also for healthcare professionals. Discover the benefits of calcium alginate dressings READ MORE...